• Corporate Connect Program

    To change the world, large corporations and agile startups need to work together.

    We're here to help make those partnerships possible.

    We are a community platform that accelerates technology startups by connecting them to corporate Members while giving back to the community to support local entrepreneurship.


    Selected startups benefit from best in class training from our corporate Members including marketing, story telling, sales negotiating, business development, and mentorship to accelerate growth.

    How we help you succeed

    We connect corporate partners in various industry-specific accelerator/incubation programs to the startups that are directly impacting their space. These introductions help both parties thrive together through investments, pilots, acquisitions, and mutual growth.


    What are the main benefits of joining the program?

    Licensing opportunities

    Strategic Partnerships

    Investment opportunities (from PnP and investor network)




    Additional Benefits


    Once you're our portfolio company, we will do everything we can to help you raise your Series A

    We have a team of "experts in residence" who will put in day-to-day time into your company

    You get access to the massive network of all our partners, scouts, team members, and advisors for connections to fundraise, hire, and partner

    We provide guaranteed press opportunities (i.e., TechCrunch, Forbes, HuffPost, StartupGrind)

    Over $200k in free access to products from our partners like Amazon Web Services credits

    We're currently working to provide pro-bono legal and accounting work




    What does a startup get for joining the program?

    Upon entry into the program out batch companies receive access program for 3 months and access to our services partners.

    Services partners include law firms, accounting companies,

    printing companies, among others. Our service partners provide discounted business solutions for our batch companies.

    As well as the overall ecosystem, program events (mentor sessions, etc), networking opportunities, and corporate




    For Corporations


    12-week programs hosted digitally. 25-30 startups from across the nation in each vertical will work on developing technologies that define their sector. Corporate partners get access to startups in their chosen vertical.

    We hand pick our corporate Members to be part of an exclusive global platform that not only has first advantage to strong technology startups, but also the opportunity to build business partnerships, investment/acquisition opportunities, networking, and mutual growth.




    For Startups

    Connects corporate partners in various industry-specific accelerator/incubation programs to the startups that are directly impacting their space. These introductions help both parties thrive together through investments, pilots, acquisitions, and mutual growth.

  • Service Partners

    We've got top notch partners!

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    Google Cloud Platform

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    Digital Ocean

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    Cognition IP

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  • Submit Your Venture